Better services for employers and cross-border employees

13 June 2022

GrensInfoPunten in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium to work together more intensively

The three GrensInfoPunten – GIP (Cross-Border Information Points) in Mönchengladbach , Aachen-Eurode and Maastricht signed a cooperation agreement in the Stadhuis in Maastricht to strengthen services for employers and cross-border workers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The Covid pandemic has seen a sharp increase in information about working across borders on topics such as taxes, social security and working from home. To improve their services, the GIPs will, for instance, coordinate group meetings for employers and consultation hours and publish them jointly on the GIP website. This will give clients a wider choice of locations and dates.

The situation for cross-border workers who work from home will change on 1 July 2022. As of that date, the regulation returns to being able to work from home for no more than 25% of their working hours. Working from home for more than 25% of their working hours will have consequences for tax and social security. The GIPs receive many questions on this subject, which makes coordination with each other necessary.

Photo: Signing of the cooperation agreement: Prof. Dr. Christiane Vaeßen (Director of Regio Aachen Zweckverband), Maike Hajjoubi (Director Euregio Rhine-Maas-North) and Helmy Koolen (Manager of Cultuur en Economie, Gemeente Maastricht).

GrensInfoPunt website
Signing of the Agreement Cross-Border Info Points