News in English special election live broadcast
21 February 2022With the gemeenteraadsverkiezingen (municipal elections) coming up on 16 March 2022, where non-Dutch citizens can also vote, Expat Centre Maastricht Region’s media partner News in English will be hosting an election special live broadcast.
News in English will be hosting a radio and online live-stream programme on Thursday 3 March on the RTV Maastricht radio channel (107.5FM) and website ( Each political party in Maastricht will have the opportunity to pitch themselves (within 60 seconds) and then take 1 of the top 11 (as chosen by survey respondents) topic areas up in a short debate with an opposing candidate. News in English is asking international residents to send them a question for each topic and one question will be posed to the candidates in the hot seat. All this will take place in English.
On the night itself we will be recording the 60 second pitches and posting these to their social media channels, as well as posting links to the party manifestos (also those in English where the party has so provided) so you can take your time in reviewing each of the 23 parties and when it comes to the elections on 16 March, you can make an informed choice. This choice will have a marked effect on the next 4 years of local leadership in Maastricht. So make your vote count.
Want to find out more about voting in municipal elections? Go to the Rijksoverheid’s website in English for more information.